Thursday, December 24, 2009

Micah Is Doing Great!

Micah is doing great!!! He's hanging out with one of our favorite nurses, Julisa. They are giving his tummy a few more days to rest and recover, but they are giving him IV calories and fats. They'll fatten him up somehow. We just opened presents and they kids are enthralled right now. I'm heading back to Boston tonight, spending Christmas with Micah!!!!

The love of family and friends, a renewal of faith and hope, happiness that lasts throughout the year, may these be your gifts at Christmas. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and the hope that you can spend it with the ones you love.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Micah!!
With lots of love, Auntie Ellen

Mom K. said...

A very Merry Christmas from Oma and Opa too!!!!
We love you Micah!!!