Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hungry Micah

Micah is about to get his first meal in almost 3 days!!!!! He is such a hungry baby, but they needed to wait until he's safe to feed again. He's been chewing on his binky so much though, that if he had teeth I think he'd eat it. He got a bath and had an IV removed today too, so now he smells really good. That made him SO happy!!!!! There is a CHANCE that Micah and I will be moved to the main cardiac floor tomorrow. It all depends on how well he tolerates his feeds tonight, but he is definitely making progress. His lungs are clearer and his breathing is better.


Mom K. said...

Awesomely, wonderful news!!!! Keep it up Micah!!!

Love, Oma

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Laura for keeping us updated on this precious little one.
Rejoicing for any improvement and it is so neat to read that he is fighting back--"leave me alone"!!
God bless you.
Hugs, Love & prayers,