Monday, December 14, 2009

Feeding Tube Class And Surgery Tomorrow

Micah is snoozing right now, but he was up earlier this morning. He was fussing and I got up and re-bundled him. When he saw that I was there he just lit up with this huge heart melting smile. It was incredible. He's such a little sweetie. I just got my class on how to take care of Micah's new feeding tube and how it will be placed. I got a little queasy with some of the pictures and the info, but I think I can do this. I just need to get used to it. I just want to make sure that I can care for Micah the right way. The less time we spend in the hospital the better. He goes into the OR tomorrow to have the tube placed. Please pray!!!! I just signed the consent for Micah's anesthesia for tomorrow. Why is it that whenever I sign these consent papers I feel like I'm signing his life away?

Please pray for the surgery tomorrow. When I know a time I will let you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all.
I know God is in control and that He is the one working through the Drs. to do the surgery.. the great Physician.

Mom, you wll learn to do this well and take wonderful care of your preious som! :)

I pray you all will enjoy a blessed Christmas in your new home.

God bless you.
Miriam friend of Laura :)