Thursday, April 8, 2010


The cardiology team was just here! His heart is still doing awesome! Yay! They are
treating this as a virus. Unfortunately there is no medicine to fight viruses, you have to
fight them yourself. His white cell count is up to 17, so something is definitely brewing
inside him. He will stay here in the hospital until he can keep his oxygen SATs up, can
tolerate feeds without hurting his breathing (which shouldn't happen anyway) and he can
breathe well without tiring out. Right now he definitely can't do that. They will still be
giving him breathing treatment around the clock, and in a little while they will be
restarting his feeds. Yay! Unfortunately what is a minor annoyance cold for us, could
turn into pneumonia for him. They are working very hard to keep that from happening.
After every breathing treatment he gets, they do chest PT on him and then suction his
nose and throat to clear away the mucus. That will hopefully help it to not settle in his
lungs. He's still coughing well, which is a wonderful thing. Please pray for his continued
strength to breath on his own!!!!!

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